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RCs Resident Handbook 2024/25 (PDF version)

RCs Resident Handbook 2023/24 (PDF version)

RCs Resident Handbook 2022/23 (PDF version)

RCs Resident Handbook 2021/22 (PDF version) 

RCs Resident Handbook 2020/21  (PDF version) (Flip version)

To satisfy the food storage security need of residents and to conduct safety check of electrical appliances, a refrigerator registration system has been introduced since AY2023/2024. Riding on the decision made by the RCSC Meeting in March 2023, a HK$100 per semester “Room Refrigerator Surcharge” will be imposed on each successful application from November 2023. For applications submitted in the 1st semester, a total of HK$200 will be charged. No refund will be considered even if the residents decided to withdraw from RC in the 2nd semester.

If you wish to apply for placing a refrigerator in your room, please go through the details and complete this online application form before move in.

Successful applications will be returned with an authorized sticker stating the application number and the room number of the refrigerator.

Refrigerators which have not got any labels WILL NOT BE PERMITTED to bring into RC.

If you cannot find the document you need, please contact us at