Application Period for 2024/25: 

6 Jan – 5 Feb 2025

The Tung Foundation Residential College Bursary 香港董氏慈善基金會助宿金
In provision of comprehensive financial support to students with financial difficulties, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (the “HSUHK”) establishes the residential college (RC) bursary scheme starting from academic year 2018/19. 
With the generous support from The Tung Foundation (the “donor”), the bursary scheme is sponsored by The Tung Foundation since the academic year 2019/20 and named as “The Tung Foundation Residential College Bursary”.

The annual value of each bursary shall be:

Residential Period in Residential CollegeValue of Bursary (HK$)
Whole Year$3,000, one-off
One Semester$1,500, one-off


  • Full-time local students with RC offer in academic year 2024/25 with full payment of RC fee paid; 
  • With proven financial needs; 
  • Priority would be given to students from family currently supported by the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme and/or students receiving financial assistance under the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) (according to the level of financial assistance of the Tuition Fee Grant) as granted by the Student Finance Office of the HKSAR Government in academic year 2024/25; 
  • Students with special needs, under extenuating circumstances, would be considered on a case-by-case basis; and 
  • With Year GPA of 2.0 or above in academic year 2023/24 (applicable to non-first year students only). 
  • Any eligible student who fails to submit application through the Scholarship Management System and/or provide/update bank account information through the eCampus, for the purpose of disbursement, by the designated deadline set by the SAO, will not have his/her application considered and/or the bursary he/she is entitled for will be forfeited.
  • Recipients of the bursary are required to attend functions related to the bursary organized by the Donor and/or the HSUHK.
  • Recipients shall abide by any other conditions laid down by the HSUHK.
  • Recipient must be an active student by the time of application, selection and disbursement. Any student who is withdrawn/deregistered with the HSUHK/has their student status deactivated, even if having been in good academic standing in the previous academic year, will not be considered.
  • The HSUHK reserves the right to withhold disbursement or to request the recipient to reimburse the bursary if the recipient’s conduct is deemed unsatisfactory or the recipient is not an active student or has outstanding fees or payments.

Interested parties are strongly recommended to refer to SAO website for latest information of the Scheme.