Off-Campus Accommodation
Support Services


If you would like to explore more outside the campus, you may find your own apartment or share a flat with other HSUHK students.
Renting off-campus in Hong Kong is challenging. You are advised to understand the rental procedures and guidelines listed on the “Tenancy Guide for Non-local Students in Hong Kong” (非本地學生在香港租屋指南) published by Estate Agents’ Authority (地產代理監管局).
You may get a glimpse of a different life experience and experience the Hong Kong culture in a community when you choose to live outside the campus!

Rental Procedures

When you plan to rent a flat, please consider the following items:

  • Budget: Is the monthly rent affordable?
  • Preferred location: Is it close to the campus? Is it convenient?
  • Safety: Is it too quiet at night without streetlight? What kind of shops near the flat?
  • Transportation: Is it easy to find a public transportation to go to the campus and get around? Is the fee affordable?
  • Furniture: What kind of furniture or electric appliances are provided? Are they in good conditions and functional?
  • Rental period: How long do you have to rent? (It is better to discuss it in detail with the Agent before signing any contract.)
  • Size of the flat: How big is the flat do you prefer? And, is it affordable?

If you would like to rent a flat from private housing, it is better for you to estimate the rent in the vicinity of HSUHK campus.

  1. Before visiting, a tenant has to sign a document called “Estate Agency Agreement for Leasing of Residential Properties in Hong Kong” which is about the responsibility between tenant and agent.
  2. Verify the identity of the landlord and the property status (Subletting of Public rental housing and housing under Home Ownership Scheme is not allowed)
  3. View the apartment with a friend or a relative.
  4. Examine the apartment’s layout, view, renovation, public facilities, fire prevention facilities, etc.
  5. Inspect the apartment during day time and night time
  6. Observe the furniture, front door, windows, water leakage, bathroom, living room, bedroom and kitchen, etc.

When you have decided an apartment or a flat, you are strongly advised to read the “A Guide to Tenancy” (安心租屋指南)published jointly by the Estate Agents Authority and Consumer Council.

Housing Options (For Reference)
Useful Information

A talk on Living outside the campus / off-campus Accommodation

Date: 1 Aug 2024 (Thur)

Time: 2:30pm – 3:15pm 

Venue: Online via ZOOM

Language: Putonghua

Target: New TPG Admission and Senior Intake Non-Local students in AY24/25

Registration: Relevant new students will receive an invitation by email 



  • Students’ experience sharing
Q & A

To know more, please click here for more information!

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