The Council Chairman Bowl: V-Sing-Along 21/22
Online Singing Contest
Team 1 "我不是邱比特"
Entry 001 “我不是邱比特” is created by CHOW Chin Ching and YIP Ka Hung Martin, members of Mosaic College. Here’s their message:
這首歌能帶聽眾回想起以往不順遂的感情經歷。 真摯演繹苦戀心碎情感,同一段旋律與歌詞卻帶出雙倍苦澀,猶如一杯double espresso。 歌詞令人引起共鳴,深深描述了一直期待真愛出現,身邊的朋友都上了岸,自己卻遲遲都未遇到,那種無奈又期待的心情。 同時,這歌不一定只能以情歌看待,歌詞中『至少參加比賽』反映了我們的心聲。 我們都是四年級生,在這嚴峻的疫情,莫說實體比賽,就連能夠消遣娛樂的卡啦OK也無法前往。 然而,遇上這網上比賽,我們便把握最後機會,即使到最後可能甚麼都沒有,但最起碼我們都有努力去嘗試,有付出過。
Team 2 "Comfortably Numb"
Entry 002 “Comfortably Numb” is created by WANG Zijia and Ailin LI, members of Mosaic College. Here’s their message:
這首歌描述一個叫Floyd的樂隊主唱在面臨生活困苦時選擇毒品來麻木自己的故事,懸系在這失落的餘緒當中。 我們隱隱感到,那知覺邊境的頹廢之美大概也起源於某些童年的創傷,而正是這種被不斷召回的童年的原點、這種不動聲色、暗自流連的創傷性體驗將Floyd的numbness區別於那種把自我扔進了垃圾箱似的紙醉金迷。 這首歌被譽為世界上最棒的前衛搖滾金曲之一,我們想不僅僅只是讓人愜意的吉他Solo和令人麻木的歌詞,更有它深沉的含義。毋庸置疑的是,Comfortably Numb的確美輪美奐地唱出了感覺的交疊,意念的游離,低於實存的別處和遠方。 只是,這遙不可及numbness能讓我們越過那面牆嗎? 還是將我們困得更死? 畢竟,喊出皇帝沒穿衣服的孩子未必來得及成長為優秀的諫言者或大反派,而描繪出那面牆的人也很少是最終有膽量撼動大樹的蚍蜉。最後,我們想,不含有麻醉和酒精的快樂,才是我們需要的。
Team 3 "Supermarket Flowers"
Entry 003 “Supermarket Flowers” is created by YANG Zunjiang and WANG Beili, members of Wellness College. Here’s their message:
這次的主題是”Music connects us” 音樂連結你我。我們選擇了一首英文歌,來自於英國歌手Ed Shereen. 歌的名字叫做‘Supermarket Flowers’,這首歌在創作時的靈感來源是Ed為了寫給自己過世的外祖母,主要以表示對外祖母的想念,以及如今快樂幸福的生活離不開外祖母在另一個世界的祝福。這首歌仿佛一封跨越時空的書信,將兩個世界的親人緊密的聯繫在一起。主歌部分,歌詞紀錄了一些生活的瑣事,整理相片,逛逛街市,這些日子都是曾經親人在一起時再熟悉不過的場景,如今的我依然會習慣去做,但少了外祖母的陪伴。歌詞在講述時,這段的伴奏我安排的比較輕柔,沒有採用複雜的處理,因為情緒相對比較低落,在傳達這份夾雜了思念的悲痛。隨著歌曲的深入,進入主歌後,我將吉他的鋼琴的伴奏力度加大,更加濃烈的抒發這份感情。作者的情緒逐漸變得樂觀開朗,相信外祖母從未離開自己,愛意也將兩人緊密相連,這段的最後一句寫道‘ 上帝會帶你回家,我也會像從前一樣站在門口 對你說上一句 歡迎回來. 這是一首感人至深的歌曲,希望你能喜歡我們的演繹。
Team 4 "21 Guns"
Entry 004 “21 Guns” is created by SHEK Hoi Yee and LAI Chun Ngai Matthew, members of Wellness College. Here’s their message:
“21 Guns” uses significant imagery common in war to depict the devastating state of a relationship. The first line and subsequent verses show how both parties are unsure whether to continue fighting or to seek peace in their relationship. The song’s title, according to Green Day’s Armstrong, is a homage to the customary 21-gun salute. In honour of a dead soldier, this salute is given. To sum up, its intent is to persuade the opposing party to lay down their weapons, stop arguing, and fight together to restore the peace they both crave. Also, the persona admits to being overcome by the pride and pain they’ve felt as a result of their constant fights and losses. However, for the sake of peace, they must let go of these emotions and give up their own pride and sense of entitlement. We are saddened and disheartened by the war between Ukraine and Russia. We intend to use this song to spread anti-war messages and connect us together. Wish for world peace.
Team 5 "歲月神偷"
Entry 005 “歲月神偷” is created by LI Yuexiang, ZHONG Jing, YU Wenchengze and CHEN Haoran, members of Amity College. Here’s their message:
三月二十一日東方航空從昆明飛往廣州的 MU5735 次航班在廣西藤縣墜毀,飛機上 132 名乘客至今仍沒有消息。一篇篇新聞報導牽動著我們的心弦,失聯者家屬的淚容讓我們感同身受,不禁潸然淚下。 《歲月神偷》這首歌傳達出我們要珍惜眼前人,珍惜在一起的時光,不要輕易放棄。因為時光永遠向前流,不會倒轉,我們無法後悔重來。我們常常覺得人生很長,那些來不及見的人,想做卻還沒有做的事, 都會在以後的時光裏一點點彌補。但是我們都忽略了時間的殘酷,忘卻了世事無常。時間它悄悄溜走,當我們想回頭彌補的時候,卻發現已經太晚太晚了。沒有人能預測下一秒會發生什麼,我們不知道生活會有多少意外。就像不知道,誰的相遇是最後一次,誰的再見就是再也不見。別等失去了才追悔莫及,別等到不見了才幡然醒悟。對於那些失聯者,言語已無法傳達我們的擔憂和思念,只能通過這首歌傳達我們對他們的祈禱和祝願。同時也希望失聯者家屬能夠振作起來,歌聲將陪伴著我們度過這段最難熬的時光,我們都會在經歷波折痛苦之後找到生活的答案。
Team 6 "水星記"
Entry 006 “水星記” is created by YU Jin and ZHANG Yuhan, members of Amity College. Here’s their message:
Prizes and Points
Scoring for The Council Chairman Bowl
Winning entries will gain points for their RCs accordingly and contribute to their total scores in The Council Chairman Bowl:
- Champion: 100
- 1st runner-up: 80
- 2nd runner-up: 60
- 3rd runner-up: 40
Individual Prizes
Beside the points gained by respective Colleges in The Council Chairman Bowl, the winners of the following titles will also receive additional prizes:
- Champion: $300 voucher per participant (maximum $1,200 in a group)
- 1st runner-up: $200 voucher per participant (maximum $800 in a group)
- 2nd runner-up: $150 voucher per participant (maximum $600 in a group)
- My Favourite Music Performance: $500 per group
- Most Creative Performance: $500 per group
General Regulations:
- Due to the inter-RC nature of the Council Chairman Bowl, the participants in a single entry should be residents or affiliated members of the same residential college.
- A minimum of TWO people has to be involved in a single submission.
- All current residents, affiliated members, RC Fellows and management team members are eligible for submission.
- Participants will receive 6 ECA hours / 2 iGPS unit.
- The judgement of the judging panel is final.
Submission Regulations:
- Each group of entrants may submit one video. The video should be within 5 minutes.
- Both videos directly extracted from live streaming and edited videos will be accepted. As creativity and originality are the judging criteria, you are recommended to create and add interesting elements in your submission.
- Videos created in social singing app such as Smule, Yokee, Sing Karaoke will be accepted. Note that these are suggestions only and entrants are responsible for identifying tools to create the video. The entrants will not be reimbursed for any cost involved in creating the video.
- The video should be in one of the following formats: MP4, AVI, MOV, FLV, WMV. Please save the video in your Google Drive and provide us a link. Links to video streaming websites such as YouTube and Vimeo will not be accepted.
1. Students who do not submit a video may get involved in joining the online voting. “My Favourite Music Performance” is awarded to the entry which has gathered the biggest popularity among voters.
2. “Most Creative Performance” will be awarded to the entry with the highest level of creativity, either in musical performance or online presence. The winner will be determined by the adjudicators.
No scores for The Council Chairman Bowl will be entitled to these two prizes.

Current Scores of the Council Chairman Bowl
Residential Colleges | Points Accumulated |
Mosaic College | 80 |
Wellness College | 140 |
Amity College | 180 |
Evergreen College | 160 |