The Council Chairman Bowl: V-Sing-Along 20/21


Online Singing Contest

Team 1 "七里香"

Entry 001 “七里香” is created by CHENG Yan and Mr Kay ZHANG (Resident Tutor), members of Mosaic College. Here’s their message: 

《七里香》是周杰倫2004年發行的歌曲,自己的譜曲並由方文山作詞。歌曲中不斷出現“雨下整夜我的愛溢出就像雨水”正是藉下了一夜的雨水錶現愛如潮水, 不懂得保留,容不得一絲污漬和取代。這首歌周杰倫跳脫出中國古典風情,多的是時過境遷後依然存留的愛意,像一粒飽滿的稻穗。


Team 2 "搖籃曲"

Entry 002 “搖籃曲” is created by LEUNG Hei Tung and CHANG Wan Pui from Wellness College. Here’s their message: 


Team 3 "See you again"

Entry 003 “See you again” is created by MA Ching Lam and FONG Hei Tung Crystal from Wellness College. Here’s their message:

We have been physically separated, there is a social distance between us.  We avoid contact with people and refuse to gather. We even cannot have dinner like usual. It seems the distance between us is getting farther and farther. It’s been a long time to meet friends, teachers, or even family.

However, Masks and viruses will not separate us forever.

Just hang on a little bit longer. And We will eventually ride out the storm
If winter comes, can Spring be far behind?

Life will slowly return to normal, and we have gradually learned how to protect ourselves…
Whatever’s we are…You and I will always collide.

I wish to…
I believe to…
I know we will…
We will see you again
Soon, Very Soon
And I have got lots to tell you.

Team 4 "Losing Me"

Entry 004 “Losing Me” is created by ZHAO Shi Cong, Sabrina, and PENG Jin Xun, Carly from Wellness College. Here’s their message:

 “Losing Me” is a song by English singer-songwriters Gabrielle Aplin and JP Cooper. It expresses that love is all around, so when you can’t hold on, just fall apart. It doesn’t matter how you vent, because I will always be here with you, and you won’t lose me. 

“Life itself is a matter of small probability. We are a group of higher intelligence formed by the stars, meeting in the wilderness of time and the infinite array of trillions of possibilities of space. It’s absurd, like the water of a waterfall flowing upstream, like a can of fish kissing a cat, like there are eighty days in August, like a rose of all days is love, and I all days is like you.” 

As Aplin said, “‘Losing Me’ is hopeful. It covers what you want to hear when you’re going through dark times and what you should say when you’re somebody’s shoulder”.

Team 5 "微微"

Entry 005 “See you again” is created by LI Yuexiang, ZHONG Jing and YU Wenchengze from Amity College. Here’s their message: 



Team 6 "永不失聯的愛"

Entry 006 “永不失聯的愛” is created by CHIN Wing Man and IP Hiu Yin from Evergreen College. Here’s their message:



Team 7 "刻在我心底的名字"

Entry 007 “刻在我心底的名字” is created by LAU Chun Wai and CHOW Chin Hoi from Evergreen College. Here’s their message:

是次主題為love is all around 。令我們聯想到疫情期間愛侶,親人以至師生都無法好好會面的悲痛。減少了會面,彼此間的關係難免會因而變得疏離。甚至會質疑自己的重要性,感到孤獨寂寞。


因此,我們揀選了近年熱門的「刻在我心底的名字」。在這如斯艱難的時刻亦提醒各師生 關係的可貴在於不受地域,時間所限。每個人心中都有一位難以代替的人,一直支撐著我們成長,面對刻下困境。在此,祝各師生身體健康,來年更上一層樓🙂

Prizes and Points

Scoring for The Council Chairman Bowl

Winning entries will gain points for their RCs accordingly and contribute to their total scores in the Council Chairman Bowl 2020/21:

  • Champion: 100
  • 1st runner-up: 80
  • 2nd runner-up: 60
  • 3rd runner-up: 40

Individual Prizes

Beside the points gained by respective Colleges in Council Chairman Bowl, the winners of the following titles will also receive additional prizes:

  • Champion: $300 voucher per participant (maximum $1,500 in a group)
  • 1st runner-up: $200 voucher per participant (maximum $1,000 in a group)
  • My Favourite Music Performance: $500 per group
  • Most Original Performance: $500 per group

General Regulations:

  1. Due to the inter-RC nature of the Council Chairman Bowl, the participants in a single entry should be residents or affiliated members of the same residential college.
  2. A minimum of TWO people has to be involved in a single submission.
  3. All current residents, affiliated members, RC Fellows and management team members are eligible for submission.
  4. Participants will receive 6 ECA hours / 2 iGPS unit.
  5. The judgement of the judging panel is final.
  6. Submission Deadline: Feb 19 2021

Submission Regulations:

  1. Each group of entrants may submit one video. The video should be within 5 minutes.
  2. Both videos directly extracted from live streaming and edited videos will be accepted. As creativity and originality are the judging criteria, you are recommended to create and add interesting elements in your submission.
  3. Videos created in social singing app such as Smule, Yokee, Sing Karaoke will be accepted. Note that these are suggestions only and entrants are responsible for identifying tools to create the video. The entrants will not be reimbursed for any cost involved in creating the video.
  4. The video should be in one of the following formats: MP4, AVI, MOV, FLV, WMV. Please save the video in your Google Drive and provide us a link. Links to video streaming websites such as YouTube and Vimeo will not be accepted.

1. Students who do not submit a video may get involved in joining the online voting. “My Favourite Music Performance” is awarded to the entry which has gathered the biggest popularity among voters. Details of voting will be announced in late March.

2. “Most Original Performance” will be awarded to the entry with the highest level of creativity, either in musical performance or online presence. The winner will be determined by the adjudicators.

No scores for the Council Chairman Bowl will be entitled to these two prizes.

Current Scores of the Council Chairman Bowl

Residential Colleges

Points Accumulated

Wellness College


Mosaic College


Amity College


Evergreen College