Visiting Policies and Security Control

Starting from 30 January 2023 onwards, HSUHK students are allowed to visit the RCs during the visiting hours.
- Visiting Hours are from 8:00am to 11:00pm every day. Visitors must leave the RC premises by the end of visiting hours (11:00pm).
- A resident must serve as a host. Host residents are held responsible for the behaviour of their visitors.
- BOTH the host resident and visitor are required to SIGN IN and SIGN OUT at the security counter (G/F lobby their respective RC) in person. Each host resident can register up to TWO non-RC students as visitors per day.
- To avoid subsequent conflicts, visitors should wait for the VERBAL confirmation of signing out from the security officers before they leave RC.
- If the host and visitor failed to comply with the visiting policy without justified reason, the host and visitor will be prohibited from registering visitors or being registered as a visitor for a minimum of 12 WEEKS. Heavier sanctions could be imposed if the concern students involved in serious disciplinary cases.
- Staying beyond visiting hours is considered a breach of the RC Regulations. Both the host resident and the visitor(s) will be liable to disciplinary actions.
- Non-residents could apply for “Pilot Visitor Overnight Scheme” to stay overnight in the designated RC.
- Unauthorised visits beyond visiting hours will lead to disciplinary actions, including but not limited to a penalty of 5 times of the price of an overnight visiting ticket (that is, $350). The case will be reported to the corresponding RC management team for further disciplinary actions.
Quiet Hours

- The quiet hours span from 11:00pm to 7:00am.
- Quiet hours will be extended to 24 hours a day starting from 1 week prior to examination period in the academic calendar stipulated by Registry.
- At all times, residents should keep their noise level reasonable in order not to cause nuisance to neighbors and fellow residents.
Overnight Stay for Visitors
The Scheme is suspended until further notice.
For details and updates, please visit this page.