Green Practices
The RCs is committed to cutting it energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and volume of waste. A wide range of initiatives are developed to engage resident and cultivate an attitude towards green living.
RC Move-out Freecycling
As a good tradition, RCS holds freecycling campaign annually to collect the items residents no longer need during move-out in December and May.
All the recyclables in good condition are cleaned and categorized for distribution to students moving in. The new residential year started, and we are going to set up some booths to distribute the collected items. Residents are welcome to come and pick up any items that they need.
For other unwanted but usable items, we will team up with NGOs and give away the items to the public.

One-stop Recycling Station

To facilitate recycling work, new recycling bins are installed at our one-stop recycling station at RC Podium. Now 6 types of recyclables will be collected. It includes:
1. Plastic 廢塑膠
2. Paper 廢紙
3. Metal 廢金屬
4. Regulated electrical equipment 大型電器(四電一腦)
5. Small electrical appliance 小型電器
6. Fluorescent lamp 慳電膽/光管

Green Collect (綠綠收)

In response to the Municipal Solid Waste Charge to be implemented in 2023, RCS has teamed up with Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to provide reliable recycling services called “Green Collect” to residents. It aims to further facilitate residents in practising waste reduction at source and resource recovery.
To encourage residents in waste reduction, supermarket coupons will be rewarded to individual RCs depending on monthly records of recyclables and waste statistics.
In 2023/24, the Environmental Protection Department awarded a Certificate of Merit to RCs to recognize its continuous effort in waste reduction.
Clean Recycling

Achievement and Awards

In 2023/24, the Environmental Protection Department awarded a Certificate of Merit to RCs to recognize its continuous effort in waste reduction.