Fire Safety Marshal Programme

To promote fire safety in the RC community and to help achieve an efficient and effective evacuation from a building in case of fire alarm, Fire Safety Marshal (FSM) programme is open for application now.
- Be a full-time student; and,
- A current resident of the RC.
a) Acquire the basic knowledge of fire safety and promote it in the RC community; and,
b) Assist in fire drill exercise of the RCs. Duties including but not limited to:
- alerting residents to leave the building upon hearing a fire alarm; and,
- reporting abnormal situation(s), if any, to security and/or firemen at the fire assembly point.
Other RC personnel are suggested taking up similar roles of FSM. RCS staff/RC Tutors/Security Guards will perform FSM duties for communal areas (i.e. Communal Hall, Communal Room, Student Hub, toilets, etc.)
As a volunteer position, serving as a FSM not only learns fire safety knowledge for daily life, it also offers the FSM to get involved in the RCs before taking up a more sophisticated role (i.e. Residential Life Assistant (RLA) and Executive Committee of Residents’ Association).
Each FSM will be granted with:
a) FSMs who have attended all the trainings and led the Fire Drill in Semester 1 and 2 will be considered as a “Leader” and will receive 15 points*;
b) FSMs may list their experience and service in their application for RLA.
Residential Life Assistants and Floor Ambassadors are welcome to serve as FSMs.
*RCS reserves the right of final decision.